Last year were blessed a friar of an italian little country (Pietrelcina), Karol Woytila after many pressures had succesful to make the nth saint.
Big party of course with "INNUMERABLE PEOPLE" dedicate to famous friar more that to the old king.
The talk contained this phrase:
" Innumerevoli persone si sono recate nel convento di S.Giovanni Rotondo, ed il pellegrinaggio, anche dopo la sua morte, non è cessato"
( Innumerable people were to the S.Giovanni Rotondo's Monastery, and the pilgrimage, also after his death, don't ended)
I elaborate this phrase, most with Cool Edit, and Pulsar II.
On end of the work the pope sing, with involuntary psalmo singing, and I accompany he with harmonies ...
click for download the file mp3
(4.920 Kb)
time: 5' 14''